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To Eat Or Not To Eat?—The Case Of Genetically Engineered Food

Introduction  I  Task  I  ProcessResources  I  Evaluation  I  Conclusion  





Darwinism is based on "survival of the fittest". We humans want not only to survive, but thrive. Humans are forever trying to manipulate the environment to gain an advantage. We cross- pollinate and graft plants, and we selectively breed the biggest and healthiest animals. Today, however, we are manipulating nature by inserting genes from one species into another. This technology is already being applied in agriculture to genetically engineer and genetically modify food. In fact, chances are you’ve consumed, knowingly or unknowingly, genetically engineered (GE) food. GE foods have both potential promise and danger. Many feel strongly that the US must proceed with this technology; others want to ban GE food altogether. The debate continues…what do YOU think?



Your task will be to analyze the current debate regarding the potential benefits and dangers of GE foods, and to formulate and defend, in the form of an editorial, your position on the following question:

Should the production of GE foods be banned?               

Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer. GE food is a complex and controversial issue among the scientific, economic, agricultural, environmental, legal, and political communities. You will be assessed on how well you support your position, communicate effectively, and collaborate with your peers to discern fact from fiction, consider possible consequences of your position, and present your perspective convincingly.



http://www.keepnatural.org/latestnews.html Go to introduction to discover general background information.

http://www.oneworld.org/panos/briefing/brief30.htm#intro (balanced approach)

http://www.ucsusa.org/agriculture/gen.alternatives.html (alternatives)

http://www.ucsusa.org/agriculture/world.food.html  (con)

http://www.psrast.org/intropage.htm (con)

http://www.biotechknowledge.com/showscience.php3?science_id=9&country=us (pro)

http://www.keepnatural.org/risksbenefits.html (pros and cons)

http://www.sciam.com/explorations/1999/070599plants/index.html (the case for and against w/ lots of related links)

http://www.sciam.com/explorations/1999/071999plants/index.html This site provides many viewpoints pro&con


*Embed the anchors within a description of each resource so that your learners know in advance what they're clicking on.



Step 1: You will be working in a group of four students. As a group, choose or assign each member one role from the four roles listed below, making sure all four roles are taken.


        *Environmentalist                          *Farmer


    *Scientist                                                            *Economist


Step 2: Explore several websites to learn more about GE food.

Step 3: Compile a list of the potential benefits and dangers of GE food from your perspective. In doing so, try to determine what is fueling the debate.

Step 4: Share your findings and perspectives with the group.

Step 5: Take a stand as a group. Decide whether the group will favor or oppose banning the production of GE food. To aid in this process, the group may choose to compile a new checklist of pros and cons.

Step 6: Compose an organized, thought-provoking, and persuasive editorial that expresses your group position. Be sure to provide ample and accurate support and rationale for your position using proper grammar and punctuation.




Possible Grading Rubric







Exemplary Clearly describes the central question, develops a thoughtful solution, and suggests possible consequences associated with the solution. Uses specific evidence from student research to support suggested solution and uses this evidence to generate consequences associated with the solution. Solid work that demonstrates careful attention to details. Few errors.    
Accomplished Clearly describes a central question, develops a thoughtful solution. Uses specific evidence from student research to support suggested solution. Solid work that demonstrates attention to details. several errors.    
Developing Describes a central question and develops a solution. Uses limited evidence from student research to support suggested solution. Does not demonstrate attention to details. Many errors.    
Beginning Does not describe a  central question, or develop a solution. Does not include any evidence from the research to support ideas. Does not demonstrate attention to details. Many errors. Very brief.    


By now you should have a better understanding of what GE food is and why this technology is so controversial. You will also have gained experience in expressing and listening to various perspectives, coming to consensus, and writing a persuasive editorial. So, next time you eat dinner, will you wonder whether your food is safe?



Template borrowed from Bernie Dodge.

Rubric borrowed from Keith Nuthall web quest (http://powayusd.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/mtr/Conflict YellowstoneWolf.htm)


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